Emily Dickinson, often regarded as one of the most enigmatic and innovative poets of the 19th century, has left behind a remarkable body of work. Her poems often delve into themes of mortality, love, and nature, offering unique perspectives on these timeless subjects. In this blog post, we will explore an example of a PEE (Point, Evidence, Explanation) paragraph that analyses Dickinson’s poem “Because I could not stop for Death.”


Point: In Emily Dickinson’s poem “Because I could not stop for Death,” the speaker’s encounter with death is portrayed as a tranquil and inevitable journey rather than a fearful and abrupt ending.

Evidence: The poem opens with the line, “Because I could not stop for Death – / He kindly stopped for me –,” immediately setting a tone of unexpected courtesy and gentleness in Death’s approach. This personification of Death as a polite and patient figure challenges conventional depictions of death as a menacing force. Moreover, the use of the word “kindly” suggests that Death’s arrival is not a cause for alarm but rather a necessary and welcome event in the speaker’s life.

Analysis of “Hope is the thing with feathers” by Emily Dickinson

Explanation:  The poem’s structure, with its regular quatrains and consistent rhyme scheme, adds to the sense of order and calmness. The measured pace of the poem’s rhythm mirrors the unhurried carriage ride with Death, reinforcing the idea that the speaker’s passing is a serene and well-orchestrated event. Through these literary devices, Dickinson crafts a poem that challenges our conventional notions of mortality and invites readers to contemplate the inevitability of death with a sense of acceptance and peace.

In conclusion, Emily Dickinson’s “Because I could not stop for Death” is a masterful exploration of mortality, but rather than a terrifying and abrupt end, death becomes a courteous and inevitable journey. It invites readers to contemplate the idea of mortality with a sense of acceptance and peace, highlighting Dickinson’s ability to craft poems that continue to resonate with readers across generations. When writing essays on Emily Dickinson’s works, it’s essential to delve into the nuances of her poetry and analyse how she subverts traditional themes and expectations.

Thanks for reading! If you’re studying this particular poem, you can buy our detailed study guide here. This includes:

  • Vocabulary
  • Story + Summary
  • Speaker + Voice
  • Language Feature Analysis
  • Form and Structure Analysis
  • Context
  • Attitudes + Messages
  • Themes + Deeper Ideas
  • Key Quotations
  • Extra tasks to complete by yourself

If you’re interested in our complete Emily Dickinson course, click here

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