Here are Six Amazing Short Stories to help you improve your writing, reading and thinking skills. To write well, you have to be a good reader. Read that again. It’s something that’s so often overlooked by many of my creative writing students – it’s hard to juggle the balance of reading and writing for sure. If you read a lot, you probably don’t have time for writing. If you write a lot, you probably feel guilty reading because it’s taking time away from your work. For students with exams, there’s always a lot of homework or revision to do, so it seems counter-intuitive to take a break from your day and just read a random story, seemingly for fun…

While stories are definitely fun, they are also so much more than that. It’s a very modern Western belief that stories are just there for entertainment. In the olden days, and even nowadays in other cultures, Literature is upheld as a vital tool for learning and self-improvement. Through stories, we learn to deal with scenarios that help us in reality, and over time we develop a deeper sense of our own morality, psychology and our place in the wider world. A well-read person is a well-rounded person!

Summary of “Isabella, or the Pot of Basil” by Keats

So, without further ado, here are six phenomenal short stories for readers of all levels. Whether you’re trying to be a better writer, a better person, or just receive a higher exam grade, these will all definitely help you out.

Thanks for reading! If you’re looking for more help with Creative Writing, see our full courses here:

Basic Descriptive Writing

Advanced Descriptive Writing

Reading List:

Haunted house: 

The Lottery

Symbols and Signs

The Garden Party

Last Leaf

The Rain Horse: 

Thanks for reading! If you’re looking for more help with Creative Writing, see our full courses here:

Basic Descriptive Writing

Advanced Descriptive Writing