Context for James Joyce’s ‘I Hear an Army’
CAIE A Level Poetry Natasha Tabani CAIE A Level Poetry Natasha Tabani

Context for James Joyce’s ‘I Hear an Army’

James Joyce’s poem ‘I Hear an Army’ (1907) is a striking and intense piece that reflects themes of loneliness, betrayal, and existential turmoil. It was published in Chamber Music, a collection of Joyce’s early poetry. Unlike the musical and lyrical quality of many poems in the collection, ‘I Hear an Army’ is more dramatic and foreboding, filled with vivid imagery of a charging army and an overwhelming sense of despair.

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An Afternoon Nap by Arthur Yap: Explained
CAIE A Level Natasha Tabani CAIE A Level Natasha Tabani

An Afternoon Nap by Arthur Yap: Explained

An Afternoon Nap is a short, unassuming poem that describes the poet’s experience of taking a nap on a warm afternoon. On the surface, it is a calm and soothing depiction of a universally relatable experience. But as with much of Yap's poetry, there is a deeper layer of meaning beneath the surface. The poem uses minimalist language to explore themes of time, impermanence, and the relationship between human beings and their environment.

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‘Blessing’ by Imtiaz Dharker: Explained
CAIE Poetry Natasha Tabani CAIE Poetry Natasha Tabani

‘Blessing’ by Imtiaz Dharker: Explained

Imtiaz Dharker’s poem ‘Blessing’ captures the essence of scarcity and gratitude, focusing on the theme of water and its significance in the lives of the less privileged. Set in a slum area, the poem highlights the stark realities of poverty while celebrating moments of communal joy. Through vivid imagery and dynamic rhythm, Dharker evokes a profound sense of both struggle and hope.

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